Yvon Pesqueux
2011/2012 President
Yvon Pesqueux served the full presidential cycle, first as President elect, then as President (2011-2012) and finally as Past President.
He co-chaired the organizing committee for the 2010 IFSAM biannual congress in Paris.
After the untimely death of Treasurer Eric Simon in 2015, he generously took over as Treasurer, a function he fulfilled until March 31, 2021. Yvon has also served as member of the strategy, awards and 2022 congress GA committees.
He is also a recipient of the IFSAM 30 year anniversary outstanding service award given on Dec 8, 2020.
Yvon will continue in our GA as FNEGE representative.
He was serving as acting treasurer from April to October 2021.