Congratulations and best wishes to Prof. Nobuyuki Demise
new president of JABA
Prof. Nobuyuki Demise
On behalf of IFSAM General Assembly (GA) and Board of Directors, IFSAM president Prof. Xavier Castañer congratulates Prof. Nobuyuki Demise for his recent election as the new president of the Japanese Academy of Business Administration (JABA), a founding member of IFSAM. Prof. Demise is a longtime IFSAMer, well acquainted with IFSAM as he has participated in several IFSAM activities in the past, notably the 1st IFSAM congress in Tokyo in 1992 as well as the 8th IFSAM biennial congress in 2006 in Berlin, where he gave a presentation on a historical perspective on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Japan.
IFSAM also would like to thank Prof. Demise’ predecessor as JABA president, Prof. Norio Kambayashi, for his personal support to the IFSAM and his always reliable cooperation.
We also extend our gratitude to JABA as a whole and to Prof. Koji Okuyabashi (former IFSAM secretary and current member of IFSAM advisory council) and Takashi Sakikawa (JABA rep at IFSAM GA) in particular for their support, contribution and participation in the recent celebration during IFSAM 16th online congress of the 30 years anniversary of the first IFSAM congress in 1992 co-organized with JABA in Tokyo, for which a memory booklet has been published. The recording will be made available soon, along with all the other session recordings in the congress page.
Prof. Norio Kambayashi
Prof. Koji Okuyabashi
Prof. Takashi Sakikawa