From IFSAM Statutes (signed December 2021) Article 3 “Purpose”
IFSAM is the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management. Our mission is to advance business and management research, teaching and practice throughout the world.Management is broadly defined, encompassing all the different subfields (operations, marketing, accounting, finance, IT/IS, OB/OT, HRM, strategy, governance, ethics and CSR, …) for all kinds of legal forms of formal organizations, in all sectors of activity and regardless of the ownership structure.To pursue this mission and provide direct benefits to our member associations and their individual members we:
- encourage the establishment, maintenance of and synergies among scholarly associations of management;
- promote linkages and exchanges of information amongst associations and its leaders, supporting their associations’ internationalization;
- establish and maintain standards of competence in management research, education and practice, with a contextualized perspective;
- organize international conferences and workshops to explore the development and exchange of new concepts and perspectives on global business, and management challenges and developments;
- promote other strategies to develop management research, teaching and practice, and encourage the development of contextualized fields of inquiry;
- set up an accreditation programme; and
- facilitate the development of networks amongst academics with common interests.
Vision 2024