President’s Message
Dear leaders of IFSAM member and observer associations, General Assembly, Board of Directors and Advisory Council members, deputies, ambassadors and staff, colleagues and all,
Please let me start by thanking you for your involvement and contribution to IFSAM during the last year. We devoted 2022 to consolidating the Federation in six main domains.
- After the embryonic version at the 15th Congress in 2020, IFSAM’s 16th biennial Congress in 2022 was the first to fully embrace its new orientation as a forum for gathering expert insight and discussing critical trends in the fields of management research, education and practice around the world, nurturing the soft policy role of the Federation, rather than positioning itself as yet another traditional academic conference. In this way, the federation aims to avoid competition with its member associations’ own annual conferences and can focus on its synergistic mission at a global level, taking differences in context across the globe as a central dimension. To facilitate worldwide attendance, and due to the remaining impact of covid19, the 2022 Congress took place online and free of charge in collaboration with our member association ANPAD, between 7th and 9th September 2022, thanks to the superlative efforts of Martin Spring, our VP Events, Juliana Bonomi, his deputy and the General Assembly (GA) congress committee and the organizing committee. The programme included six roundtable discussions that focused on management research, management education, and academia-management practice interactions, along with an exploration of the relevance and application in Brazil of the first IFSAM soft policy statement on management research (approved by the GA in 2021). The 2022 Congress also included sessions on the work of the winners of the inaugural IFSAM Awards, another innovation which came to fruition in 2022. Furthermore, the opening session of the 2022 congress contained another innovation which we would like to become a tradition: reflecting IFSAM’s heritage through the celebration of significant anniversaries (30, 20 and 10 years) of IFSAM biennial congresses. The 2022 congress presented an opportunity to celebrate the 30 year anniversary of the first IFSAM congress, which took place in Tokyo in 1992, organized in cooperation with IFSAM founding member the Japan Academy of Business Administration (JABA). For this celebration we prepared a booklet of memories of several participants and organizers, who we wish to thank again. A special thanks to YingYing Zhang, deputy Secretary General, for helping me to edit the booklet and to Eleonora Piacenza, IFSAM’s webmaster, who supported the organization of the virtual conference in an outstanding way. There was also mention of the 20 year anniversary of the 2002 congress in the Gold Coast, Australia and the 10 year anniversary of the 2012 congress in Limerick, Ireland, which we look forward to further celebrating in the future. All of the congressional sessions are available on our website and YouTube channel, free of charge. Moreover, 2024 will mark 30 years since the 2nd IFSAM congress, which took place in Dallas, Texas, in cooperation with another IFSAM founding member, the Academy of Management.
- In addition to the use of social media, the federation disseminated its 2021 soft policy statement on research across the world through joint sessions at several member and observer associations’ annual conferences, creating dialogue and collecting useful input to nurture its further development. This work was headed by Silviya Svejenova, our VP Research, aided by Christine Moser, her deputy and the GA Research committee. My gratitude goes to all of them for their excellent work and especially to the leaders of the associations (ACACIA, ANPAD, ANZAM, BAM, and SIMA) who kindly agreed to co-organize joint sessions as well as all the panelists. Thanks also to our VP Education, Sergio Wanderley, and our VP Practice, Lee Lu, who worked hard in 2022 to develop the first IFSAM soft policy statements on education and practice, respectively, with their GA committees. Many thanks to all of them. We are confident that this period of intense work will bear fruit in the coming year, with policy statements to be proposed in the three areas at the annual meeting of the General Assembly.
- In March 2022 the recipients of the IFSAM inaugural Awards (2021) were announced, the first on “societally relevant management research” being also advertised by the Financial Times. We are hoping that this is an innovation which will continue to grow in importance. In its meeting on April 6 of 2022, and based on the experience of the inaugural awards, the General Assembly decided to grant two Awards on even years, given their significance for the Federation (Societally Relevant and Indigenous Management scholarship) and four Awards (including Pedagogical innovation and Service to the academic community worldwide) on odd years. These Awards, currently funded by our membership fees, are our way of “giving back” to the worldwide community. I would like to thank the GA Awards committee and all the panelists who participated in the selection as well as as chairs of the 2022 congress sessions on the Awards and the secretariat, in particular Elisa Martinelli, first deputy and later Secretary General, and her deputy YingYing Zhang, for their critical role in the awards’ logistics.
- The quarterly 2 hour presidents’ platform meetings (PPMs) were consolidated in 2022, following their launch in January 2021. We believe the PPMs illustrate how the Federation is uniquely positioned to create value with and for our member associations, and for the field as a whole. As explained in the Vision 2024 statement, these gatherings of presidents of member and observer associations (and/or their delegates) constitute one of the key synergistic activities of the federation, in which presidents share their concerns and insights, which in turn generates further synergistic ideas and collaborative initiatives between various member associations. One of these initiatives was the launch of webinars, separate from the biennial congress, the first being devoted to a comparison of Western and Eastern Management approaches, with the cooperation of member associations ACEDE, CAMS and CNEMA, and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain through its House of Asia. We are thankful to all their leaders. This experience led to the reformulation by the GA of the GA Congress committee (which had been established in 2020 during the pandemic specifically to organize the 2020 and 2022 online congresses) as the GA Events committee, chaired by our VP Conferences. I would like to extend my special appreciation to Prof. Patrick Reinmoeller, Director of the presidential team office (PTO), and Prof. Nuno Oliveira, deputy director of the PTO, who organized three outstanding PPMs in 2022 dealing with critical issues for our member associations, recruiting experts from professional organizations and other non-member associations: online conference organization, conference formats (hybrid experience) and financial sustainability, and climate impact of academic conferences, mega trends affecting the economics and experiences of academic conferences. A shared central theme of these PPMs was about how to balance the intellectual, social and ecological footprint of conferences together with their financial feasibility. Patrick and Nuno have already set a date for the 9th PPM, on the impact of management research, for April 17, 2023.
- The Federation continued to grow during 2022, welcoming five new full member associations (AEI, AFC, AIM, ASFAE and SMS) and with the Irish Academy of Management (IAM), which so greatly contributed to the federation for over 20 years, rejoining the federation as an associate member. The Federation thereby comprised 27 member associations and one observer association (ANZAM), the highest number of members in IFSAM’s history. We are very grateful to the leaders of the new/rejoining member associations who have made this possible and to our VP New Membership and Governance, Prof. Ouidade Sabri, and her team of deputies – Amina Djedidi and Yongho (Martin) Hyun – and ambassadors – Boualem Aliouat, Benoit Cordelier, and Zied Ftiti – for their amazing work which we are certain will bear yet more fruit next year. The inclusion of AEI, AFC and AIM is especially salient because it symbolizes IFSAM’s statutory will to include all subfields of Management in the federation, including scholarly associations specializing in a particular sub-field. With AFC we extend the coverage of accounting, a domain represented also by ATC. With AEI, AIM and SMS we welcome three learned societies which represent four specific sub-fields of Management: entrepreneurship, information systems’ management, innovation and strategy. Moreover, the inclusion of ASFAE (Chile) represents a renewal of the membership from scholarly associations formed by universities and schools of Management, like FNEGE and CLADEA (a former member). We are extremely happy to welcome all of them and their GA representatives. During 2022, we also continued to nurture our ties with ANZAM, an observer association, hoping for its return to the Federation as a full member and to the remaining three former member associations, VHB, NFF and CLADEA, which we hope will rejoin the federation in the near future.
- The Advisory Board became the Advisory Council and welcomed new members appointed at the 2022 Annual GA meeting: Kerry Brown, Luis Ángel Guerras, Trish McLaren, and Yang Zhang (at the time Past President). I am grateful to all the AC members, whose involvement is essential to the Federation for many reasons, not least of which is to provide historical memory and perspective. To which, 2022 also saw the recording of videos with former presidents to preserve organizational memory and take stock of the federation’s contributions from a historical perspective. I wish to express my special gratitude to Alain Burlaud, chair of the AC, and Felicity Kelliher, the secretary, for being so supportive and agreeing to carry out three meetings of the AC in one year. In recognition of the outstanding contribution of several colleagues who serve on a voluntary basis in the leadership and staff of the Federation, in 2022 the BoD also created a proposal for Awards for outstanding service, and the GA also instituted the GA Awards for Exceptional Service to the Federation. Both bodies awarded their first set of these Awards for contributions during 2021-2022. Congratulations and sincere thanks again to all the recipients. I think it is fair to say that both the organizational and the human basis of the Federation have developed substantially during 2022. The GA now comprises over 50 members (which will increase with the new member associations, and still further if we are to count the member associations’ delegates on the committees), the BoD comprises 11 members, and the staff consists of 15 deputies, assistants and ambassadors, plus the PTO director (please see the organizational chart and the composition of the different bodies at the end of the newsletter), plus the inestimable contribution of our only paid staff member Eleonora di Piacenza since 2020 as media manager, who has now been joined by Victoria Braverman for communications support. This growth has been the result of many people’s effort and there is still much more to do, but I truly believe we can feel proud of so many accomplishments in such little time, particularly as a federation of scholarly associations across the world, with the accompanying crosscultural and time-zone differences!
In closing this annual newsletter, my last as President, I would like to extend a series of special words of appreciation. First, to my predecessor, prof. Yang Zhang and the other members of the then executive committee (Michael Morley, Yvon Pesqueux and Sibel Yamak in particular), who encouraged me to take on this role, for their trust, valuable advice and support. Second, to Prof. Isabelle Bouty, who was President-elect during 2021 and with whom I worked closely in dealing with various governance challenges and the early organization of the 2022 congress. I also would like to thank Patrick Reinmoller as PTO director since 2021 for being ever available to provide outstanding advice on critical matters. Next, to Prof. Wafa Khlif, for taking on the role of IFSAM Treasurer so effectively, modernizing our banking operations and bringing a highly appreciated sense of humor and colorful presentations to our BoD meetings, as well as proposing prof. Richard Jabot as her deputy. I would also like to acknowledge the work of our VP Communication during 2022, Prof. Guadalupe Calderon, who greatly contributed to the development of IFSAM Conversation Letters, launched in 2021, and who was also a key player in the dissemination of our news in social media and via the monthly bulletins.
Last but not least, I am extremely grateful to Prof. Sandro Castaldo, who not only supported, as SIMA president, the joining of SIMA but who has also introduced people who have become a critical part of the Federation’s leadership, such as Prof. Arabella Mocciaro, former Secretary and Secretary General until mid-2022 and prof. Elisa Martinelli, who was deputy Secretary until mid-2022 when she became Secretary General. It would have been entirely impossible to carry out all the work without Arabella and Elisa. My deepest gratitude to them, and special thanks also to our Secretary General deputies, Eleonora Di Maria and Yingying Zhang Zhang, and her assistant, Sonia Snadli.
But my gratitude to Sandro goes beyond his support as SIMA president and GA member (as SIMA’s rep). When Isabelle Bouty unfortunately had to stepp down as President-Elect due to her school commitments, Sandro accepted the nomination for and was elected as President-Elect in early 2022. Moreover, in December 2022, as my term as president was coming to an end, Prof. Nic Beech was elected as President-Elect, effective from Jan 1, 2023. I am also very grateful to him for accepting this role. Given the existing leadership team, I am convinced that the Federation is in great hands. As Past President, I will remain on the BoD and in the GA for two more years and I stand ever available to help the new president and his team to the best of my ability.
I hope that 2023 will bring greater stability and a healthy development to IFSAM, thanks to all your advice, support and imagination, as well as your dedication and commitment to the Federation.
Warm regards,
Xavier Castañer
IFSAM President
President’s Message
Dear leaders of IFSAM member and observer associations, General Assembly, Board of Directors and Advisory Council members, deputies, ambassadors and staff, colleagues and all,
Please let me start by thanking you for your involvement and contribution to IFSAM during the last year. We devoted 2022 to consolidating the Federation in six main domains.
- After the embryonic version at the 15th Congress in 2020, IFSAM’s 16th biennial Congress in 2022 was the first to fully embrace its new orientation as a forum for gathering expert insight and discussing critical trends in the fields of management research, education and practice around the world, nurturing the soft policy role of the Federation, rather than positioning itself as yet another traditional academic conference. In this way, the federation aims to avoid competition with its member associations’ own annual conferences and can focus on its synergistic mission at a global level, taking differences in context across the globe as a central dimension. To facilitate worldwide attendance, and due to the remaining impact of covid19, the 2022 Congress took place online and free of charge in collaboration with our member association ANPAD, between 7th and 9th September 2022, thanks to the superlative efforts of Martin Spring, our VP Events, Juliana Bonomi, his deputy and the General Assembly (GA) congress committee and the organizing committee. The programme included six roundtable discussions that focused on management research, management education, and academia-management practice interactions, along with an exploration of the relevance and application in Brazil of the first IFSAM soft policy statement on management research (approved by the GA in 2021). The 2022 Congress also included sessions on the work of the winners of the inaugural IFSAM Awards, another innovation which came to fruition in 2022. Furthermore, the opening session of the 2022 congress contained another innovation which we would like to become a tradition: reflecting IFSAM’s heritage through the celebration of significant anniversaries (30, 20 and 10 years) of IFSAM biennial congresses. The 2022 congress presented an opportunity to celebrate the 30 year anniversary of the first IFSAM congress, which took place in Tokyo in 1992, organized in cooperation with IFSAM founding member the Japan Academy of Business Administration (JABA). For this celebration we prepared a booklet of memories of several participants and organizers, who we wish to thank again. A special thanks to YingYing Zhang, deputy Secretary General, for helping me to edit the booklet and to Eleonora Piacenza, IFSAM’s webmaster, who supported the organization of the virtual conference in an outstanding way. There was also mention of the 20 year anniversary of the 2002 congress in the Gold Coast, Australia and the 10 year anniversary of the 2012 congress in Limerick, Ireland, which we look forward to further celebrating in the future. All of the congressional sessions are available on our website and YouTube channel, free of charge. Moreover, 2024 will mark 30 years since the 2nd IFSAM congress, which took place in Dallas, Texas, in cooperation with another IFSAM founding member, the Academy of Management.
- In addition to the use of social media, the federation disseminated its 2021 soft policy statement on research across the world through joint sessions at several member and observer associations’ annual conferences, creating dialogue and collecting useful input to nurture its further development. This work was headed by Silviya Svejenova, our VP Research, aided by Christine Moser, her deputy and the GA Research committee. My gratitude goes to all of them for their excellent work and especially to the leaders of the associations (ACACIA, ANPAD, ANZAM, BAM, and SIMA) who kindly agreed to co-organize joint sessions as well as all the panelists. Thanks also to our VP Education, Sergio Wanderley, and our VP Practice, Lee Lu, who worked hard in 2022 to develop the first IFSAM soft policy statements on education and practice, respectively, with their GA committees. Many thanks to all of them. We are confident that this period of intense work will bear fruit in the coming year, with policy statements to be proposed in the three areas at the annual meeting of the General Assembly.
- In March 2022 the recipients of the IFSAM inaugural Awards (2021) were announced, the first on “societally relevant management research” being also advertised by the Financial Times. We are hoping that this is an innovation which will continue to grow in importance. In its meeting on April 6 of 2022, and based on the experience of the inaugural awards, the General Assembly decided to grant two Awards on even years, given their significance for the Federation (Societally Relevant and Indigenous Management scholarship) and four Awards (including Pedagogical innovation and Service to the academic community worldwide) on odd years. These Awards, currently funded by our membership fees, are our way of “giving back” to the worldwide community. I would like to thank the GA Awards committee and all the panelists who participated in the selection as well as as chairs of the 2022 congress sessions on the Awards and the secretariat, in particular Elisa Martinelli, first deputy and later Secretary General, and her deputy YingYing Zhang, for their critical role in the awards’ logistics.
- The quarterly 2 hour presidents’ platform meetings (PPMs) were consolidated in 2022, following their launch in January 2021. We believe the PPMs illustrate how the Federation is uniquely positioned to create value with and for our member associations, and for the field as a whole. As explained in the Vision 2024 statement, these gatherings of presidents of member and observer associations (and/or their delegates) constitute one of the key synergistic activities of the federation, in which presidents share their concerns and insights, which in turn generates further synergistic ideas and collaborative initiatives between various member associations. One of these initiatives was the launch of webinars, separate from the biennial congress, the first being devoted to a comparison of Western and Eastern Management approaches, with the cooperation of member associations ACEDE, CAMS and CNEMA, and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain through its House of Asia. We are thankful to all their leaders. This experience led to the reformulation by the GA of the GA Congress committee (which had been established in 2020 during the pandemic specifically to organize the 2020 and 2022 online congresses) as the GA Events committee, chaired by our VP Conferences. I would like to extend my special appreciation to Prof. Patrick Reinmoeller, Director of the presidential team office (PTO), and Prof. Nuno Oliveira, deputy director of the PTO, who organized three outstanding PPMs in 2022 dealing with critical issues for our member associations, recruiting experts from professional organizations and other non-member associations: online conference organization, conference formats (hybrid experience) and financial sustainability, and climate impact of academic conferences, mega trends affecting the economics and experiences of academic conferences. A shared central theme of these PPMs was about how to balance the intellectual, social and ecological footprint of conferences together with their financial feasibility. Patrick and Nuno have already set a date for the 9th PPM, on the impact of management research, for April 17, 2023.
- The Federation continued to grow during 2022, welcoming five new full member associations (AEI, AFC, AIM, ASFAE and SMS) and with the Irish Academy of Management (IAM), which so greatly contributed to the federation for over 20 years, rejoining the federation as an associate member. The Federation thereby comprised 27 member associations and one observer association (ANZAM), the highest number of members in IFSAM’s history. We are very grateful to the leaders of the new/rejoining member associations who have made this possible and to our VP New Membership and Governance, Prof. Ouidade Sabri, and her team of deputies – Amina Djedidi and Yongho (Martin) Hyun – and ambassadors – Boualem Aliouat, Benoit Cordelier, and Zied Ftiti – for their amazing work which we are certain will bear yet more fruit next year. The inclusion of AEI, AFC and AIM is especially salient because it symbolizes IFSAM’s statutory will to include all subfields of Management in the federation, including scholarly associations specializing in a particular sub-field. With AFC we extend the coverage of accounting, a domain represented also by ATC. With AEI, AIM and SMS we welcome three learned societies which represent four specific sub-fields of Management: entrepreneurship, information systems’ management, innovation and strategy. Moreover, the inclusion of ASFAE (Chile) represents a renewal of the membership from scholarly associations formed by universities and schools of Management, like FNEGE and CLADEA (a former member). We are extremely happy to welcome all of them and their GA representatives. During 2022, we also continued to nurture our ties with ANZAM, an observer association, hoping for its return to the Federation as a full member and to the remaining three former member associations, VHB, NFF and CLADEA, which we hope will rejoin the federation in the near future.
- The Advisory Board became the Advisory Council and welcomed new members appointed at the 2022 Annual GA meeting: Kerry Brown, Luis Ángel Guerras, Trish McLaren, and Yang Zhang (at the time Past President). I am grateful to all the AC members, whose involvement is essential to the Federation for many reasons, not least of which is to provide historical memory and perspective. To which, 2022 also saw the recording of videos with former presidents to preserve organizational memory and take stock of the federation’s contributions from a historical perspective. I wish to express my special gratitude to Alain Burlaud, chair of the AC, and Felicity Kelliher, the secretary, for being so supportive and agreeing to carry out three meetings of the AC in one year. In recognition of the outstanding contribution of several colleagues who serve on a voluntary basis in the leadership and staff of the Federation, in 2022 the BoD also created a proposal for Awards for outstanding service, and the GA also instituted the GA Awards for Exceptional Service to the Federation. Both bodies awarded their first set of these Awards for contributions during 2021-2022. Congratulations and sincere thanks again to all the recipients. I think it is fair to say that both the organizational and the human basis of the Federation have developed substantially during 2022. The GA now comprises over 50 members (which will increase with the new member associations, and still further if we are to count the member associations’ delegates on the committees), the BoD comprises 11 members, and the staff consists of 15 deputies, assistants and ambassadors, plus the PTO director (please see the organizational chart and the composition of the different bodies at the end of the newsletter), plus the inestimable contribution of our only paid staff member Eleonora di Piacenza since 2020 as media manager, who has now been joined by Victoria Braverman for communications support. This growth has been the result of many people’s effort and there is still much more to do, but I truly believe we can feel proud of so many accomplishments in such little time, particularly as a federation of scholarly associations across the world, with the accompanying crosscultural and time-zone differences!
In closing this annual newsletter, my last as President, I would like to extend a series of special words of appreciation. First, to my predecessor, prof. Yang Zhang and the other members of the then executive committee (Michael Morley, Yvon Pesqueux and Sibel Yamak in particular), who encouraged me to take on this role, for their trust, valuable advice and support. Second, to Prof. Isabelle Bouty, who was President-elect during 2021 and with whom I worked closely in dealing with various governance challenges and the early organization of the 2022 congress. I also would like to thank Patrick Reinmoller as PTO director since 2021 for being ever available to provide outstanding advice on critical matters. Next, to Prof. Wafa Khlif, for taking on the role of IFSAM Treasurer so effectively, modernizing our banking operations and bringing a highly appreciated sense of humor and colorful presentations to our BoD meetings, as well as proposing prof. Richard Jabot as her deputy. I would also like to acknowledge the work of our VP Communication during 2022, Prof. Guadalupe Calderon, who greatly contributed to the development of IFSAM Conversation Letters, launched in 2021, and who was also a key player in the dissemination of our news in social media and via the monthly bulletins.
Last but not least, I am extremely grateful to Prof. Sandro Castaldo, who not only supported, as SIMA president, the joining of SIMA but who has also introduced people who have become a critical part of the Federation’s leadership, such as Prof. Arabella Mocciaro, former Secretary and Secretary General until mid-2022 and prof. Elisa Martinelli, who was deputy Secretary until mid-2022 when she became Secretary General. It would have been entirely impossible to carry out all the work without Arabella and Elisa. My deepest gratitude to them, and special thanks also to our Secretary General deputies, Eleonora Di Maria and Yingying Zhang Zhang, and her assistant, Sonia Snadli.
But my gratitude to Sandro goes beyond his support as SIMA president and GA member (as SIMA’s rep). When Isabelle Bouty unfortunately had to stepp down as President-Elect due to her school commitments, Sandro accepted the nomination for and was elected as President-Elect in early 2022. Moreover, in December 2022, as my term as president was coming to an end, Prof. Nic Beech was elected as President-Elect, effective from Jan 1, 2023. I am also very grateful to him for accepting this role. Given the existing leadership team, I am convinced that the Federation is in great hands. As Past President, I will remain on the BoD and in the GA for two more years and I stand ever available to help the new president and his team to the best of my ability.
I hope that 2023 will bring greater stability and a healthy development to IFSAM, thanks to all your advice, support and imagination, as well as your dedication and commitment to the Federation.
Warm regards,
Xavier Castañer
IFSAM President
IFSAM 2022 Annual Newsletter
1 file(s) 128.11 KB
President’s Message
Celebration of The 30 years of IFSAM 1st congress
IFSAM Conversations Letters on 16th Congress
Winners of IFSAM Inaugural Awards
New and re-joined member associations during 2021
Members & Observers Associations
16th IFSAM Congress (2022)
IFSAM 2022 Congress was held virtually in collaboration with ANPAD as a pre-conference activity of ENANPAD22 between 7th and 9th September 2022 with the following overall theme Opportunities and Challenges in a Changing Business & Management Higher Education institution (HEI) Landscape.
It included six 90-minute roundtable discussions that focus on management research, management education, and academia-management practice interactions. The 2022 Congress also included substantive discussion sessions on the work of the winners of the inaugural IFSAM awards and an exploration of the first IFSAM soft policy statement on management research.
Number of panelists: 33
Total participants: 294
(Tokyo, 1992)
The opening session of the IFSAM 2022 congress contained a celebration of the 30 years’ anniversary of the first IFSAM congress in Tokyo in 1992 organized in cooperation with IFSAM founding member the Japan Academy of Business Administration (JABA).
For this celebration we prepared a booklet of memories from several participants and organizers, which has been presented by some of them during the inaugural session of the 2022 online congress, Sept 7:
- Koji Okubayashi, Vice chair of the 1992 congress organizing committee, former IFSAM secretary;
- Klaus Brockhoff, IFSAM executive and participant in the 1992 congress, former president of German Association for Business Research;
- Alain Burlaud, 1992 congress keynote speaker, and former IFSAM president, and current chair of IFSAM advisory council;
- Takashi Sakikawa, current JABA executive, international relations director and
- Patricia Tomei, 1992 congress participant.
(Tokyo, 1992)
The opening session of the IFSAM 2022 congress contained a celebration of the 30 years’ anniversary of the first IFSAM congress in Tokyo in 1992 organized in cooperation with IFSAM founding member the Japan Academy of Business Administration (JABA).
For this celebration we prepared a booklet of memories from several participants and organizers, which has been presented by some of them during the inaugural session of the 2022 online congress, Sept 7:
- Koji Okubayashi, Vice chair of the 1992 congress organizing committee, former IFSAM secretary;
- Klaus Brockhoff, IFSAM executive and participant in the 1992 congress, former president of German Association for Business Research;
- Alain Burlaud, 1992 congress keynote speaker, and former IFSAM president, and current chair of IFSAM advisory council;
- Takashi Sakikawa, current JABA executive, international relations director and
- Patricia Tomei, 1992 congress participant.
IFSAM Conversation Letter 1 – 16 October 2022
on Round Table “Discipline Integrity, Responsible Research, and the Pursuit of Excellence“
of IFSAM 16th CONGRESS – 7-9 September 2022
Opportunities and Challenges in a Changing Business & Management HEI Landscape
IFSAM Conversation Letter 2 – 20 November 2022
on Round Table “Technology, Change, and the Future of Higher Education in Management”
of IFSAM 16th CONGRESS – 7-9 September 2022
Opportunities and Challenges in a Changing Business & Management HEI Landscape
Through IFSAM General Assembly’s committee on awards, on March 23, 2022, the Federation named the following colleagues as recipients of IFSAM Inaugural Awards:
- IFSAM Award for Excellence in Societal Management Research
ex-aequo winners: Prof. Tima Bansal and Prof. Romain Laufer
Press Release - IFSAM Award for Excellence in Indigenous Management Scholarship
winner: Prof. Arcelia Toledo López
Press Release - IFSAM Award for Excellence and Innovation in Management Pedagogy
winner: Prof. Brian Tjemkes
Press Release - IFSAM Award for Exceptional Service to the Management Field Worldwide
ex-aequo winners: Prof. Pawan Budhwar and Prof. Jean-François Chanlat
Press Release
We thank our GA Awards’ Committee and its Chair, Michael J Morley, as well as the other members of the selection panels (Andrew Jack, Felicity Kelliher, Marie McHugh and David Zoogah) for the evaluation process performed and for their outstanding and continued service to the Federation.
We are also grateful to Elisa Martinelli for her logistical assistance as deputy secretary to make these inaugural awards a reality.
At its meeting on April 6 of 2022, the General Assembly decided to call for the following two awards in 2022.
IFSAM Award for Excellence in Societally Relevant Management Scholarship
IFSAM places particular value on published scientific research in management which improves our understanding of the ways in which society as a whole can be advanced and the world made a better place. In order to give expression to this value, in 2021 the Federation created the IFSAM Award for Excellence in Societally Relevant Management Scholarship. This award aims to encourage researchers to prioritize research which serves society. The award will be given to a body of published research which addresses societal challenges at local and/or global levels with the ultimate aim of making a contribution to societal wellbeing. This might be done, for example, through empirical studies which investigate different types of organizations (e.g., traditional businesses, social enterprises, NGOs) and various groups and individuals (e.g., disadvantaged groups, employees, employers and other stakeholders) in relation to real life problems and sustainable development goals. An alternative approach might be through conceptual works which problematize the existing values, structures and practices to emancipate individuals and society as a whole and which introduce innovative ways of dealing with existing and future problems.
IFSAM Award for Excellence in Indigenous Management Scholarship
IFSAM is dedicated to the development of management research and teaching as a field of scientific inquiry and its advancement in all nations. In order to give expression to the centrality of diverse and contextualized management scholarship, in 2021 the Federation created the IFSAM Award for Excellence in Indigenous Management Scholarship. The aim of the award is to encourage, recognize and celebrate outstanding indigenous research in the field of business and management (all subfields included) from around the world, particularly in and for countries and communities for which there has been little published research on. We are especially interested in bodies of research where the intellectual tradition, the phenomenon of interest, and the manner in which it is explored and communicated are of particular relevance to the context in which the research takes place and where a commitment to their pursuit yields meaningful insights of value to stakeholders in that context.
We thank our GA Awards’ Committee and its Chair, Michael J Morley, as well as the other members of the selection panels (Andrew Jack and Mónica Sánchez,). We are also grateful to Yingying Zhang Zhang, deputy SG, for her logistical assistance as secretary.
Academie de l’entrepreneuriat & de l’innovation
15/12/2022 – Full member
Association Information et Management
15/12/2022 – Full member
Asociación de Directivos Superiores de las Facultades de Administración, Negocios o Empresariales
28/06/2022 – Full member
Irish Academy of Management
15/12/2022 – Rejoined, Associate member
Strategic Management Society
15/12/2022 – Full member
by Patrick Reinmoeller, director of the Office of the President Team (IFSAM), and Nuno Oliveira, Deputy Head of the Presidential Office (IFSAM)
Leaders of scholarly associations in management are attentive to major developments that might disrupt the scholarly infrastructure (e.g., conference formats) as well as the opportunities to support management education and research (e.g., impact assessments). Hence, these leaders seek to learn and adapt fast.
IFSAM has sought to address these challenges by providing opportunities for leaders to gather and share experiences, to learn and adapt faster in a setting that is conducive to open and confidential sharing of perspectives. We call these opportunities Presidents’ Platform Meetings (PPM). In 2022, quarterly PPMs brought together experts who openly shared their expertise, which helped the leaders of scholarly associations in management to collect a set of insights and experiences to take back to their associations. For example, Giuseppe Delmestri (vice-chair of EGOS and member the Board Sustainability Taskforce at the European Group of Organization Studies) shared information about the specific steps taken to reduce the environmental impact of the EGOS annual conference, for example, by offering discounted rates to attendees travelling by train. The PPM is a platform to share experiences. Another important issue concerns the engagement and development of the membership, particularly junior members and those from diverse backgrounds. Oliver Lowe (Head of Conferences & International at Chartered Association of Business Schools & Small Business Charter) offered specific ideas about organizing inclusive conferences, such as adding discounted rates for attendees from disadvantaged backgrounds and offering sessions targeted at scholars from minority groups.
Scholarly associations can play a central role in the supporting the assessment of research, education and impact in management. This issue was discussed in the last PPM, on April 17th, 2023, and featured contributions by Renate Meyer (WU Vienna), Menico Rizzi (Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment) and Silviya Svejenova Velikova (VP Research, IFSAM). Upcoming PPMs will continue to be an open forum of discussion and knowledge sharing about member associations about core issues, such as AI. Moreover, Platform Meetings support the ‘maintenance of and synergies among scholarly associations of management’ (IFSAM Statutes).
By Sergio Wanderely, VP Education
To formulate IFSAM’s soft policy in education, in 2022 the Education Committee analyzed and built on the guidelines suggested by international bodies such as UN PRME, RRBM – Responsible Research in Business & Management, GLRI – Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative, PRI – Positive Impact Rating, The Aspen Institute Business and Society Program, ABS – Association of Business Schools – and the leading accreditation bodies: EFMD, AACSB, and AMBA.
Over the last six months (December 2022-May 2023), we also investigated the educational policies of all Associations composing IFSAM, and we investigated the guidelines of main journals in the field such as Academy of Management Learning and Education and Management Learning.
By LeeLu, VP Practice
In 2022 the committee organized and held IFSAM Round Table discussions on September 8th and 9th, 2022 (during the 2022 IFSAM Congress). Round Table No. 5, led by Dr. Lee Lu, was titled “Systems, Models, and Practices of Cooperation with management practice.” This discussion highlighted the importance of management research and education in shaping practice and society.
At the committee meeting on November 26th, 2022, Professor Katy Mason shared the first draft of the soft policy document. Following feedback from other committee members, the paper was reviewed and refined.
By Silviya Velikova, VP Research
During 2022, the following presentations and joint panels at member associations’ annual conferences were organised in order to discuss and implement IFSAM’s research policy statement [* participation from IFSAM]
ACACIA (May) with participation by ANFECA, ASFAE, and CLADEA [* Xavier Castañer]
SIMA (June) [* Elisa Martinelli]
BAM (Aug) with participation by ANPAD and AFAM, and journal editors – EMR, JBE, OS [* Silviya Svejenova]
ANPAD (Sept) [* Juliana Bonomi & Silviya Svejenova]
ASFAE (Nov) [* Xavier Castañer]
ANZAM, observ. (Dec) 20th anniv. of ANZAM-IFSAM world congress with participation by BAM [* Sergio Wanderley & Silviya Svejenova]
The Research Committee took also care of the research round table discussions at the 2022 IFSAM Congress on open science [* Christine Moser] and research assessment and impact [* Silviya Svejenova].
The advisory council met three times during 2022: March 25, June 13, December 8, prior to the three General Assembly meetings which took place in 2022. The purpose is giving useful information to IFSAM reps and honorary members about the activities performed.
27 Member Associations and 1 Observer
Academia de Ciencias Administrativas-ACACIA-Mexico
Spanish Academy of Management-ACEDE-Spain
Academie de l’entrepreneuriat & de l’innovation-AEI-France
Africa Academy of Management-AFAM-Africa
Association Francophone de la Comptabilité-AFC-France
Association Information et Management-AIM-France
Association Internationale de Management Stratégique-AIMS-France
Association Marocaine de Gestion-AMG-Morocco
Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração-ANPAD-Brasil
Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management-ANZAM (observer)
Asia Organization Development Network-AODN-Asia
Academy of Management-AOM
Administrative Sciences Association of Canada-ASAC-Canada
Asociación de Directivos Superiores de Facultades de Administración, Negocios o Empresariales A.G – ASFAE – Chile
Association Sénégalaise des Sciences de Gestion-ASSG-Sénégal
Association Tunisienne de Comptabilité-ATC –Tunisia
British Academy of Management-BAM-UK
China Academy of Management Science-CAMS-China
China National Economic Management Association-CNEMA-China
European Academy of Management-EURAM-Europe
Fondation Nationale pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises-FNEGE-France
Irish Academy of Management-IAM-Ireland
International Federation of East Asian Management Association-IFEAMA-East Asia
Japan Academy of Business Administration-JABA-Japan
Nepalese AoM-NAM-Nepal
National Institute of Economy and Management-NIEM-Laos
Società Italiana di Management-SIMA-Italy
Strategic Management Society-SMS-USA
– Moses Acquaah and Baniyelme Zoogah for Africa AOM (AFAM)
– Morocco: Amal Laaribi and Mohammed Hassainate for AMG
– Sénégal: Birahim Gueye for ASSG
– Tunisia: Salma Damak and Wafa Khlif for ATC
– Brasil: Alketa Peci and André Carlos Busanelli de Aquino for ANPAD
– Canada: Shamsud Chowdury and Stéphane Goyette for ASAC
– Mexico: Maria Luisa Saavedra and Osmar Ernesto Arandia Pérez for ACACIA
– Lee Lu and Phylis Lan Lin for AODN
– Yin Ju, for IFEAMA
– China:
– Yang Zhang and Chungwai So for CNEMA
– Zicheng Chen and Jinlin Yang for CAMS
– Japan: Takuji Hara and Kenta Hino for JABA
– Laos: Phouphet Kyophilavong for NIEM
– Nepal: Dev Raj Adhikari and Dhruba Kumar Gautam for NAM
– Alessandro Zattoni and Niels Noorderhaven for EURAM
– France:
Isabelle Bouty and Isabelle Derumez for AIMS
Chrystelle Richard and Luc Paugam for AFC
Jérôme Caby for FNEGE
– Italy: Sandro Castaldo and Lara Penco for SIMA
– Spain: Carmen Cabello Medina and Xosé H. Vázquez for ACEDE
– United Kingdom: Katy Mason and Nic Beech for BAM
– Kerry Brown, president, ANZAM
– Anthony McDonnell , IAM
Alain Burlaud
Greg J. Bamber
Kerry Brown
Santiago García Echevarria
Luis Ángel Guerras
Felicity Kelliher
Marie McHugh
Patricia (Trish) Genoe McLaren
Michael Morley
Koji Okubayashi
Yvon Pesqueux
André Petit
Yinshan Tang
Anne S. Tsui
Yang Zhang
GA Strategy committee composition
Xavier Castañer (Ex-Officio, President), Chair
André Aquino
Osmar Arandia
Sandro Castaldo (President Elect)
Wafa Khlif
Lee Lu
Yang Zhang (Ex-Officio, Past President)
GA Awards committee composition
Michael Morley (AB), Chair
Isabelle Bouty
Xavier Castañer (Ex-Officio, President)
Wafa Garah (delegate of GA member, AMG)
Baniyelme Zoogah
GA Events committee composition
Martin Spring (Ex-Officio, VP conferences), Chair
Sandro Castaldo (Ex-Officio, President Elect)
Wafa Khlif (Ex-Officio, Treasurer)
Silviya Svejenova Velikova (Ex-Officio, VP Research)
Sergio Wanderley (Ex-Officio, VP Education)
Lee Lu (Ex-Officio, VP Practice)
Mohammed Hassainate
Baniyelme Zoogah
GA Research committee composition
Silviya Svejenova Velikova (Ex officio, VP Research), Co-Chair
Xavier Castañer (President), Co-Chair
Osmar Arandia
Sandro Castaldo (President Elect)
Stewart Clegg (ad Personam)
Phylis Lan Lin
Renate Meyer (ad Personam)
Christine Moser (Deputy VP Research – Guest)
GA Education committee composition
Sergio Wanderley (Ex officio, VP Education), Chair
Dev Raj Adhikari
Osmar Arandia
Sandro Castaldo (President Elect)
Charles Dhanaraj (ad Personam)
Wafa Garah (delegate of GA member, AMG)
Trish McLaren
GA Practice committee composition
Leehsing Lu (Ex officio, VP Practice), Co-Chair
Yang Zhang (Past President), Co-Chair
Dev Raj Adhikari
Koldo Echebarrìa (ad Personam)
Wafa Khlif
Katy Mason
Prof. Vijayakumar Parameswaran Unnithan (Deputy VP Practice – Guest)
Juan José Nájera Sánchez (delegate of GA member, ACEDE)
Sim Sitkin (ad Personam)
Xavier Castañer
President of IFSAM
Yang Zhang
Past President of IFSAM
Sandro Castaldo
president elect
Elisa Martinelli
Secretary General
Wafa Khlif
Silviya Svejenova
VP research
Sergio Wanderlay
VP education
Lee Lu
VP practice
Ouidade Sabri
VP new membership and governance
Martin Spring
VP conferences
Guadalupe Calderón
VP Communication
Patrick Reinmoeller
Director of the office of the presidential team
Nuno Barros De Oliveira
Deputy Director of the Presidential Office
Sun Jian
Deputy Director of the Presidential Team Office
Eleonora di Maria
Deputy SG
Yingying Zhang Zhang
Deputy SG
Richard Jabot
Deputy Treasurer
Christine Moser
Deputy VP for Research
Juliana Bonomi Santos
deputy VP conferences
Amina Djedidi
deputy VP governance
Yongho (Martin) Hyun
deputy VP new membership
Vijayakumar Parameswaran Unnithan
Deputy VP for Practice
Boualem Aliouat, for Africa and Middle East
Benoit Cordelier, for Latin America
Zied Ftiti, for the finance field
Mónica Sánchez, for Latin America
We thank all General Assembly, Advisory Council and Board of Directors members
during 2022 for their service to the federation.
We acknowledge the assistance and help of Elisa Martinelli, current IFSAM Secretary General,
and Eleonora Piacenza, IFSAM Media Manager, for the preparation of this Annual Newsletter.