Business Research Quarterly

Call for Papers

“Leadership in Special Contexts”

Submission deadline: January 31, 2023

Guest Editors:

Franz Kellermanns
University of North Carolina—Charlotte

Miguel Pina e Cunha
NOVA School of Business and Economic

María Concepción López-Fernández
University of Cantabria

Remedios Hernández-Linares
University of Extramadura

This special issue will examine leadership in special contexts, defined as those that require organizations to make sense of an emerging reality and/or exert specific forms of contextual agency. We will focus on two types of special contexts: emerging contexts and crisis contexts, which coexist and coevolve in this new normal, as highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

We invite scholars to elaborate new theories that are well suited for studying the role of emerging and crisis contexts in leadership processes and outcomes and to examine methodological and empirical approaches that can redefine leadership research.

Manuscripts for the special issue are to be submitted by January 31st, 2023. BRQ Business Research Quarterly is a quarterly journal looking to publish a small set of high-quality articles in each issue that address central topics in the field. For information about the special issue and the journal please see this link: