We are delighted to announce that IFSAM 2022 Congress was held virtually in collaboration with ANPAD as a pre-conference activity of ENANPAD22 between 7th and 9th September 2022.
Theme: Opportunities and Challenges in a Changing Business & Management Higher Education Landscape
The programme of IFSAM 22 Congress included a series 90-minute roundtable discussions that focus on management research, management education, and academia-management practice interactions. It also included substantive discussion sessions devoted to the work of the winners of the inaugural IFSAM awards with them and the audience and an exploration of the first IFSAM soft policy statement on management research.
The opening session introduced the programme and purpose of the congress and also contained a celebration of the 30 years’ anniversary of the first IFSAM congress in Tokyo in 1992 in cooperation with founding member the Japan Academy of Business Administration (JABA).
Speakers: Martin Spring (IFSAM VP conferences), Xavier Castañer (IFSAM president) and Sandro Castaldo (IFSAM president elect).
For this we have prepared a booklet of memories from several participants and organizers, which was presented by some of them during the inaugural session of the 2022 online congress, Sept 7.
- Koji Okubayashi, Vice chair of the 1992 congress organizing committee, former IFSAM secretary;
- Alain Burlaud, 1992 congress keynote speaker, and former IFSAM president, current chair of IFSAM advisory council;
- Patricia Tomei, 1992 congress participant;
- Klaus Brockhoff, IFSAM executive and participant in the 1992 congress, former president of German Association for Business Research;
- Takashi Sakikawa, current JABA executive, international relations director.
Speakers with diverse perspectives on research assessment, such as those concerning university leadership, ranking, research assessment, and funding will discuss how research assessment is dramatically changing in the global academic landscape.
Given the increasing demand for greater access to the outcomes of academic research by funding bodies, governments and wider society, this roundtable will discuss the fundamental obstacles to promoting open science in management research and the opportunities that come with it.
New technologies such as augmented and virtual reality are opening new avenues for management education. In this roundtable, panelists will explore how technology trajectories will affect the competitive positioning of management schools given their differing access to resources and institutional environments.
This RT will bring experts from different parts of the world to discuss the formats of doctoral programmes in different educational systems and assess the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
How can research improve Business practice? How can the engagement with practice enhance research impacts? Academics and Practitioners from around the globe will discuss these questions and other challenges of adopting such an engaged approach.
We will explore how management schools can pursue integrity and demonstrate the value of their work, in societies where there remains a lack of awareness and some distrust concerning the quality and integrity of Management research and education.